“Darkest Night” Watch Now!

Hispanic Film Festival

Best Student Film

The 2022 Hispanic Film Festival awarded Darkest Night Best Student Film and screened in the Zevila Virtual Theater from January 30th - February 1st.

Paris International Film Awards

Best Student Film - January 2022

Darkest Night was awarded Best Student Film for Paris International Film Awards January 2022 Edition.

New York Flash Film Festival

“Official Selection”

Darkest Night was named an “Official Selection” in The New York Flash Film Festival’s January edition.

The Latino International Film Expo

“Official Selection”

In July 2022, Darkest Night was named an official selection and screened at The Latino International Film Expo in Naperville, IL.


LA Independent Women Film Awards

“Official Selection”

In February 2022, Darkest Night was named an “Official Selection” by the LA Independent Women Film Awards.

Teaser Poster created by HanDesigned

Teaser Poster created by HanDesigned


Make Your Choice

Sin or Penance

Stay or Run

Life or Death


Inspired by Latin America’s magical realism genre, Darkest Night follows two young women as they learn to fight their demons and face their fears over the course of one conversation on one dark night.

Director’s Statement

Darkest Night was inspired by a course I took at university during remote instruction. The course was “Politics, Writing and the Nobel Prize in Latin America” and in this course we read many works from Latin American authors. I was inspired by the magical realism genre and the words of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende and decided to write my own magical realism short film. I’ve always loved fantasy movies and tv shows but they were never feasible on a college student budget whether it be because of the set design, VFX or SFX. However, in magical realism, where our world is inherently magical, it gave me the opportunity to write a story that focused on themes of sin and penance, facing your fears and growth. As a Mexican-American woman myself and the inspiration coming from Latin American literature, it was important to me to have a Latina-led cast and I am happy to have Dayandra de Miranda Leão and Vanessa Rodriguez star as Ilena and the Seer respectively.


Meet the Cast

Dayandra de Miranda Leão



Vanessa Rodriguez